Friday, July 28, 2006

TAC, Davenport, Ok

Well, today was our last day and our contacts from the second day did not show up, but i Just want to put that in God's hands. However, we got to spend time with two 13 year olds and it was really hard to say good bye, but we plan to email

KLS, Blanchard, Ok

Got to spend an awesome time with my team and D & E at the picnic. Tonight is a worship service and i have a feeling it will be awesome.

ZAM, Muldrow

Today was our last day at the park, but still it was great because we found out that D and E were both Christian's. So that was amazing, the picnic went good, we had a lot of people show up. so that was good but this whole week has been awesome- I'll miss everyone I met so much!

SW, Riesel, Tx

Today was definately not the most out going day! It rained AGAIN, but it was cool! I did talk to a couple of women today and it went well! Only one more full day, but tonight is our last worship serveice b/c tomorrow is our free day! Saturday will be a long day b/c we leave our hostel at 7 and fly out at 10:35 in Germany- but 3:30 y'alls time. We had a picnic tonight that involved everyone and all the Germans we have met here. We had subway was yummy! Me, K, and S all sat on a blanket and just watched everyone. Well we have a choice of sleeping in in the morning but S doesn't want our group too! Well I miss everyone. Don't send emails b/c i won't be getting on anymore- I love y'all - and see you saturday!

RL, Central Marlow

Today the weather was pretty nice. There was a quick shower. I played a little more basketball. Today i didn't get to talk to the guy I talked to yesterday. I am going to leave his information so the people here can follow up with him. Tomorrow I have a free day and will go tour around the city.


God has shown me some very new things today- patience, blodness and friendship. With these new things I can boldly go home and start LTG groups and praise God's name everyday

SRS, Ft. Gibson, Ok

Well guys, this is my last postcard before we all talk in person. Today was a great day and it just flew by. I kept forgetting it was my b-day today and it was good, but i do miss spending it with you all. Like I said, I can't wait to get home and share my ideas. I won't bore all of you w/ every detail. Tomorrow is our free day, and I am looking forward to it and sleeping in. I love you and will see you soon!
- Me

Happy Early B-Day Mrs. S and thank you all for praying!

KRL, Mustang, Ok

Today was a blast, I have fallen in love with this place and everyone here. I can't wait for next year. The picnic tonight was a blast and tehre was a lot of people not from our group there. It was amazing

SK, Boswell, Ok

The last day... it feels weird that we will be leaving in a few days. We won't be going to Tower park every day, and seeing hte park we saw each day. I admit that I am a little home sick- but it is going to be hard to leave. It's been awesome seeing God move here the past few days. We got to hear about 3 salvations. Praise God. I hope that the seeds we plante3d and the ground we lowed will continue to produce harvest. My eyes have really opened to the lack of spirituality here. I will continue to pray for Germany. That they will see Christ is waiting for them to turn to him. I will also pray that God calls me back next summer, cause that would totally rock. Thank you God for this opportunity. Pray for me as I go home that I can take the things with me that I have learned this week.

G.S. Texarkana, Tx

God has accomplished so much here in Germany. It's invegerating. People at home, I had an MRI, it's worse than my ACL, don't worry- I'm not in pain. The Lord has been Good! God be praised!!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

ZAM, Maldrow

Today was great. We talked to a guy playing the guitar- so we talked to him for awhile and the D and A came up to us so after we were done talking to S, we played soccer then the rain came it was just awesome and we met a guy name J that was very interested in Jesus and we gave him a bible, which he said he would read tonight and he's coming back tomorrow, it was an awesome day!

BMF, Balko, Ok

Today at noon we pr walked for a while. I got to meet a turkish guitar player, a catholic man, and the two soccer kids. Learned more about patience.

KRL, Mustang, OK

Today was sorta slow I am really learning patience. We ate subway which was amazing- FInally.. FREE refills!! I crashed at the park for like an hour b/c of some allergy med! It rained and I got excitited. It really made me cool off!

GS, Texarkana, TX

I have had to learn patience and dependency today. God is amazing, and he is doing so much work. All I can do is pray that God will guide me. Pray for O.

SH, Teague

Today we hit the park again. With only two days to go in the park, we were really trying to share our story with those we have met. The two young boys, A and D came back again today. Even though the rain gave us a short delay one of the guys on our team who was able to get A to go home and read John 1-3, and tomorrow they are going to talk about it. We have learned patience in this relationship, b/c we wer ready to share on the first day, but the time has not been right yet. Hopefully we will get to share with both boys tomorrow. I also met a man from Canada and we talked some hockey of course, and then I tried to move the conversation towards God, but he really wasn't ready. So hopefully we can talk some more tomorrow. Overall, the day was great. Please continue to pray for L our JSI, she is sick and for G who has torn his ACL. FInally pray for our last day in the field tomorrow that God's will would be done tomorrow!

KLS, Blancherd, Ok

Not much happened today, at least for me. My treck made some progress with one of the kids the guys play soccer with. But nothing much happened for me today so just keep praying.

TAC- Davenport, Ok

Today some of my contacts didn't show up, but he did provide me more opportunities to sow seeds. I talked to a man named O, who is a doctor here. I asked him to teach us to read John 3:16 in German, so it's my prayer that him reading that verse with us will spark his curiousity and give him an urgency to find out more about Jesus who died for our sins. If anyone reads this I ask that you please pray for T and T, that they will show up tomorrow so we can have a chance to share with them.

SW, Riesel, TX

Hey Guys!! Well it poured here today while we were at the park, so we got real wet! We also had the choice of Subway or Doener for supper and I had Subway! It was AWESOMELY great! First whole meal besides pizza! We have one more day in the park and then a picnic tomorrow night with all the people we have met from Germany! I made 3 new contacts today and I think 2 were definately Christians, but the 3rd was questionable. I miss y'all so much and love you all a ton. See y'all in 3 days!

I <3 Y'all!!

RL, Central Marlow

Today went great! I saw God answering prayers today up front and personal. First a girl in my group prayed for rain and it showered on us today! Also, I pr walked and asked God for an opportunity to be a tool for him. Well the day started with a little discouragement when I talked to two guys and was sleeping and got mad and the other one could not speak English. So we went to supper and then I came back and started messing around with a soccer ball. This African then came up asking to join in. We started talking about spiritual things and he had a lot of questions so I gave him the book of John in English and in German. He then said he would read it and come back tomorrow. Today God taught me about pateince. Keep me in your prayers that I might say the right things.

SK, Boswell, Ok

Trusting in God really pays off. D and A got to come back to the park and play soccer. I really thing that our patience and getting to know those two guys has helped. A and I got on the subject of the Bible and I asked him if he had one. He told me he had one, so I asked him if he could read John 1-3 tonight. I told him that I would read it too, so we could talk about it tomorrow. He said he would and I got really excited. I think that was the moment we were all waiting for. Pray that God would speak to him and that the seed would grow that is going to be planted tonight. God bless.

SRS, Ft Gibson, Ok

It rained today. I have been praying since we have been here and I knew it would and it finally did. My heart has changed since I have been here. I really can't wait to get home and share with you guys. I have some ideas for school and youth and just can't wait to get back. I feel Germany next summer again, maybe here maybe somewhere else! Who knows?! I love you guys!


Tuesday, July 25, 2006

SK Boswell, Ok

Hey guys! I had so much fun today. We went back to the park and got to hang out with the guys we met yesterday. We played soccer wtih them pretty much all day. We also got to teach them a little about American football. It was so cool getting to know them better too. Please pray for these guys that God will start to work in their hearts through or conversations and actions. God bless.

GS Texarkana, TX

Yesterday I was playing soccer and I fell, tearing my ACL. I'm in a lot of pain, but I can manage with my crutches, this all worked out for the best seeing as I had the opportunity to talk to someone because of it.

BMF Backo, Ok

Today at noon we got on the train and went to the park and got to prayer walk for a while. We got to play soccer and played with two kids in soccer. It was a really good day.

ZAM Muldrow

Today was awesome. We went back to the park and the 2 contacts were there but they said that they'd come back Wednesday but I think God was just working in their lives. They will be there again tomorrow and at the picnic thursday. Cya.

RL Central Marlow

Today was pretty hot and humid. I met some more basketball players today. Two players are coming back tomorrow to talk and play. I ask to keep praying for the words and wisdom so I can approach the players. Europe is very clean and nice and Ive about got ran over about 3 times by a bicycle. Ive had a lot of fun and thanks for the prayers.

TAC Davenport, OK

Today was really hot! But it was a really good day none the less. The high point of the day was playing soccer wtih some boys. They seem like really nice guys and I'm glad we're going to get to play soccer with them on Wednesday. One also promised to teach me how to flip-n-kick (I have video when I come home). Also, it was really chilly having another intern with us along with our JSI.

SRS Ft. Gibson, ok

Hey! Well, just a couple if more days. I will explain more of what we are doing when I get home b/c it would just be way too long to write. A couple more days of going to the park, then a free day and then home. I'm not really feeling way, but life goes on. I hope band is going okay and everything else back home. I m,iss and love you guys so so much.

SW Riesel, TX

Hey guys! Today was cool and I got a girl to keep in touch with! I played football to... but Kyla and I weren't very good! Just 3 more full days for us! Wednesday and Thursday are normal days and then Friday we get to shop! Well email me and drop me a word! I love yall so much! And miss yall tonz! I love yall!! By the way I dont have time to really email back but ill fill yall in on here!

S.H Teague

Today we had another great day in training, and in the park. It was a little discouraging at first because we want to really talk to people about our story, so we prayed for patience. At about 2:30 A and D came back to the park. They are 13 years old and on Vacation from school. We played a game of soccer, took a break, and then played a game of football, took a break, and then played another game of soccer. During one of the breaks David asked about my YEC shirt which open the door for some great opportunity. We kept it short, planting a small seed. At the end of the day we talked to both boys for about an hour. They showed us some soccer tricks and asked questions about America. David asked if he could come and visit of course we said yes. I sure hope he can come. We are going to continue to pr and build relationships with the two boys. They said they are coming back tommorow. Please pray we would be obedient and that if it be his will we share. Also please pray for GS, he fell yesterday and tore his ACL. He is very burned out. Also please pray for our JSI she is not felling well. Finally please pray for R, B, and B. Can't wait to come home to see you T & M, but its going to also be hard to leave.

S.H Teague

Today we had another great day in training, and in the park. It was a little discouraging at first because we want to really talk to people about our story, so we prayed for patience. At about 2:30 A and D came back to the park. They are 13 years old and on Vacation from school. We played a game of soccer, took a break, and then played a game of football, took a break, and then played another game of soccer. During one of the breaks David asked about my YEC shirt which open the door for some great opportunity. We kept it short, planting a small seed. At the end of the day we talked to both boys for about an hour. They showed us some soccer tricks and asked questions about America. David asked if he could come and visit of course we said yes. I sure hope he can come. We are going to continue to pr and build relationships with the two boys. They said they are coming back tommorow. Please pray we would be obedient and that if it be his will we share. Also please pray for GS, he fell yesterday and tore his ACL. He is very burned out. Also please pray for our JSI she is not felling well. Finally please pray for R, B, and B. Can't wait to come home to see you T & M, but its going to also be hard to leave.

K.L.S Blanchard OK

Ok so yea football (soccer) is really an awesome sport and wintess opportunity. We've met some really cool kids at the park to play soccer with even though I like to watch more than play. Anyways the guys in the group use the sports to meet people but we girls are kind of struggling, but we will of course p.r for the guys and opportunities for talking.

K.R.L Mustang OK

Today was pretty much good! Three of us met a baptist lady at the park which was very encouraging!

Monday, July 24, 2006

S.H Teague

Today we had another great day of training and ministry at the park. We met two young men who had been partying all last night, a man and his girlfriend who were training to be a bar tender, and two young boys. We were able to begin a relationship with all of these individuals and we hope to see them later this week. We know we will get to play soccer with the young boys (13) tomorrow so please pray for that. Also please pray for the other men we met as well as the other people the other groups met today.

R.L.-Central Marlow

Today was a great day and awesome day. My team went to the park and me and a leader played basketball with two kids. We built a strong relationship with them I also slept great last night since my window got opened all the wawy. tonight I ate some delicious pizza and Im feeling pretty good.

S.R.S Ft. Gibson OK

Hey! things are going fine here getting over jet lag, but not fully yet. I have a feeling I will be over by the end of the week and then I will come back. I am learning a lot and cant wait to get back so I can share. I see myself living here sometime and other times not. I miss you guys so much and I hope the youth made it back safely. I would call, but it would be like 1 in the morning and I would like to get to talk to just a couple of people. I love you all and will be talking to you soon. ME...Penguins ROCK!

S.K Boswell OK

God answers prayers. If I had to sum up today. In one sentence, that is what I would say. We were given so many oppurtunities to talk to people and plant seeds. Pray that we would all have patience. See ya

K.L.S.- Blanchard, Ok

Today we went out to our park and tried to establish a relationship with them. Not much happened but we are still praying and will continue to try.

Z.A.M Muldrow

Well today was awesome we were at the T.P. again while there we all met many people and began to talk to them. S and I played futbol (soccer) with 2 german kids, D and A we talked to them for a while then had to go but wednesday we will hopefully see them again

K.R.L.- Mustang, Ok

Today was incredible! I was able to speak to a guy on the train. He said that he had no religion. He rides that train everyday so I pray that I will see him again. I also met a lady in the park. We talked about many different things and differences between countries. I pray that I see her again this week.

S.W Riesel, TX

We are eating pizza right not and its great! We got to talk to people at the park today about G and play in the water fully clothed with the little kids, it was fun. I love all of you a ton and continue praying for us! Love yall!

B.M.F- Balko, Ok

We worshiped this morning downstairs. Then we went back to the park. First we prayerwalked. then we started playing soccer with these two germans and talked to a bartender in training.

T.A.C Davenport, OK

Today was a great day! We got to go out and try to build relationships with local people. Me and another guy met two guys, and although they said they were athiest, I know God can walk in the lives theres no doubt in my heart.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

RRL Mustang OK

Today we went to the park and did pr walking. It was really nice to be able to just conversate with God. I'm excited for tomorrow when we get to start really talking to and interacting with the local people.

KLS Blanchard, OK

We went to the park today where we will be hanging out trying to talk to people to tell them about God. And we basically just walked around praying for God's hand to be in this place.

KLS Blanchard, OK

We went to the park today where we will be hanging out trying to talk to people to tell them about God. And we basically just walked around praying for God's hand to be in this place.

S.K Boswell OK

Today was totally cool. We got to see the park that we'll be visiting everyday for the rest of the week. It's such a beautiful place. We spent four to five hours pr walking around the park. We all asked God to plow the earth that we'll be sowing seends in and to prepare us for the task ahead. Continue to pr for us. God bless you!

S.K Boswell OK

Today was totally cool. We got to see the park that we'll be visiting everyday for the rest of the week. It's such a beautiful place. We spent four to five hours pr walking around the park. We all asked God to plow the earth that we'll be sowing seends in and to prepare us for the task ahead. Continue to pr for us. God bless you!

T.A.C Davenport, OK

Today was the first day we went to our site, ours was at a park. This first day we pr walked and I know God will hear our pr's and truly bless the rest of our week here.

R.L Central, Marlow

Today was an interesting day starting out with the food for breakfast. Lunch was great. Today my team did pr walking in a park we are going to be in. Tomorrow I am going to play basketball with some European people.

B.F Balko OK

I went pr walking the whole day at a park in the city. I got to see new people today and new lifestyles.

S.R.S Ft. Gibson OK

Hey guys! I have never slept so much in my life before last night. We got to our park and just walked around and pr'd. The park is huge and you would never find ours full like it is here. Overall, jetlag is okay, but I am still really tired. I love you all and miss you a lot.

S.W Riesel, TX

Well here we are at the park, where my group is assigned all week! We just p-walked all day and we actually get to start talking to everyone tomorrow! Ya'll are barely up at home, but we are getting ready to go to supper! I really hope we sleep better tonight because it was really hot last night. Love ya'll!

S.H Teague

Today we began after some much needed rest. We trained for the first part and then after lunch we headed to a park, which is where we will be all week. The park is pretty typical with basketball courts, swing sets, and a small water park. The park is very full of diverse people. We spent all afternoon in pr as we walked around the park. We prayed for half hour and hour time frames with different people in our group. Today with different people in our group. Today God answered two of the pr's, one to meet some guys playing soccer and another for a group of guys. It is the most time I have spent in one day in pr. It was encouraging and very enjoyable. It was the most I have spent with Father on the Sabbath. Tomorrow looks even better, please continue to pr for all of us.

Z.A.M Muldrow

Well today was awesome we went to the park and pr walked from 12-6 it was great there we saw many people there and the worship before was amazing I will write more tomorrow. Bye.

G.S Texarkana TX

Germany is an incredible country, America could seriously learn a lot from it. But it is seriously lost, God is preparing to do great things here. We spent today in pr in a park. I can't wait to see God move in this place!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

TAC- Daugnport, OK

Today we flew out of Dallas to Cologne. I had never flown before so I have never felt the effects of flying...They are harsh. However, it was great to finally get to Germany and see what we've been preparing for for a year. I know God will do great things this week.

BMF-Balko, OK

My day was fine today. I have wlaked to the top of the cathedral and learned some new customs. I have walked almost all over the city.
Z.A.M Muldr O.K

Today was awesome we went into a cathedral called the Dom. It wasn't raining all day, it was good. It helped but we have more in store tomorrow.
SRS FT. Gibson OK

Hey guys we are finally here! The flight was 10 hours long!! It was weird getting on an airplaine when it was light and getting off when it was light, but watching the sunset and rise. It was beautiful. overall things are going good. at the moment i have been up 26.5 hours, but we get to go to bed at 8!! Yeah! There are 2 other girls hear with my name. Pray that we all get rest. I love you guys and will write soon again. Love ya!
R.L Mustang OK

So we finally arrived today! What an experience! I can't wait for tomorrow when we get to start our work!
G.S Texas

KLS Blanchard, OK

Made it through the first day with only swollen ankles and feeling hot, sweaty, smelly,and so tired I could sleep standing up. We took the wrong train several times and had to back track and silly me wore flip-flops. See ya when I get back and Love Ya!
RL - Central Marlow, OK

Today was a great day. I got to see a lot of Cologne as we went on a scavenger hunt through the city. I have also started to make conversations with the Germans. Doner is a great food that has different things you can do to it. The plane trip was long but wasn't that bad.
SK Boswell, Ok

Today was awesome and unbelievable. Its still kind of hard to believe taht I'm in Germany right now. we got to see some of the icty today and learn how to get around on teh trains. it was sort of confusing at first but we got to hand of it pretty fast. whoever reads this, i as taht you would all PR for the people we'll be speaking to and that Father would give us boldness.
SW Riesel, Tx

Well we finally made it after a 7 hour delay. we didn't get there until 3 today! We got to walk around the city and eat pizza! I miss all of you and love you all! the plane flight was long, but i slept off and on through out the time! we went through many thunder heads causing us to move all over the place, but we are all safe! Love ya'll!!!
SH Teague, Tx

Wow! Glad to be in K. W had an 8 and half hour lay over last night, but we got here safe. We arrived in K @ 4:30 K time. We have had just enough time to see the city and now we are off to bed. Please continue to PR. miss you all.